MMO’s aren’t my cup of tea. I don’t have the time, patience or money for them. That being said, it looks like DC Universe Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic are trying to suck me in by combining my love of both properties with a strong desire to waste more time. And, yeah, I know the above trailer is old, but it’s still damn cool.
All this is a roundabout way of telling you that Kotaku had two big pieces of information for my fellow fans looking forward to said games. First up, they reported on how to sign up to hopefully-maybe get a chance to play the beta of SW: TOR. You’ve got to sign up for the forums and then you can head to the Game Testing Page to sign up. Again, it’s not guaranteed, but what else are you doing today?
On the DCUO front, Kotaku showed off 18 pictures of Green Arrow images from the game. There’s a great mix of images from the design stages to turnarounds to in-game screens that are all pretty impressive. As a GA fan, it gets me excited for the game. Also, take a second to read the comments in which vid3oman64 calls GA a racist. Now, I know I’m jumping in to aid a ficitonal character here, but nothing could be further from the truth. Green Arrow’s the uber-liberal of the superhero community and everyone knows it. Get your facts straight vid3oman64! Anyway, here’s some pics from Kotaku.